Create a function in JavaScript that accepts a function as input and a count and executes that input function once for a given count of calls. Known as sampling function.
function message(){ console.log("hello"); } const sample = sampler(message, 4); sample(); sample(); sample(); sample(); // this will be executed sample(); sample(); sample(); sample(); // this will be executed
The sampling function is different than throttling as throttling limits the execution of the function once in a given amount of time while sampling limits the execution by executing function once in a given number of calls.
To create a sampling function we can create a closure that will track how many times the function has been called and once it reaches the count, execute the input function and reset the counter.
function sampler(fn, count, context){ let counter = 0; return function(...args){ // set the counters let lastArgs = args; context = this ?? context; // invoke only when number of calls is equal to the counts if(++counter !== count) return; fn.apply(context, args); counter = 0; }; }
function message(){ console.log("hello"); } const sample = sampler(message, 4); sample(); sample(); sample(); sample(); // hello sample(); sample(); sample(); sample(); // hello