Create a toggle function in JavaScript

Create a toggle function in JavaScript that accepts a list of arguments and toggles each of them when invoked in a cycle.


let hello = toggle("hello");
hello() // "hello";
hello() // "hello";

let onOff = toggle("on", "off");
onOff() // "on"
onOff() // "off"
onOff() // "on"

The toggle function returns each value clockwise on each call of the function and the same can be done by returning a function from the toggle function forming a closure over the values to track the cycle.

const toggle = (...list) => {
  // to track the cycle
  let current = -1;
  const length = list.length;
  return function(){
    //moves to next element, resets to 0 when current > length
    current = (current + 1) % length;
    return list[current];
const hello = toggle("1", "2", "3");
console.log(hello()); // "1"
console.log(hello()); // "2"
console.log(hello()); // "3"
console.log(hello()); // "1"