Highlight the words in the string

Given a string and array of keywords, highlight the words in the string that are part of the array of keywords.


const str = "Ultimate JavaScript / FrontEnd Guide";
const words = ['Front', 'End', 'JavaScript'];

highlight(str, words);

// "Ultimate <strong>JavaScript</strong> / <strong>FrontEnd</strong> Guide"

If two words are overlapping or adjacent, combine them together. As you can see in the above example there are two different words Front and End but they are highlighted together.

To implement this function we have to handle two different cases.

  1. Check if any of the words in the string is present in the keywords array then highlight it.
  2. Else, break each word into two sub-words and check for each sub-word if they are present or not, if any part is present highlight them separately if both the parts are present highlight them together.
function highlight(str, keywords) {
  // unique set of keywords
  const uniqueKeywords = new Set(keywords);
  // split the str into words
  let words = str.split(" ");
  // traverse each word
  const result = words.map(word => {
    // to track the embedding
    let output = '';
    // if the word is found in the keywords set
    // highLight it
    if (uniqueKeywords.has(word)) {
      output = `<strong>${word}</strong>`;
    // else check if the substring of the word is in the keywords set
    else {
      for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
        // break the word into two parts
        const prefix = word.slice(0, i + 1);
        const suffix = word.slice(i + 1);
        // if both the parts are present in keywords
        // embed them together
        if (uniqueKeywords.has(prefix) && uniqueKeywords.has(suffix)) {
          output = `<strong>${prefix}${suffix}</strong>`;
        // else if the only prefix is present
        // highlight it
        else if (uniqueKeywords.has(prefix) && !uniqueKeywords.has(suffix)) {
          output = `<strong>${prefix}</strong>${suffix}`;
        // else if the only suffix is present
        // highlight it
        else if (!uniqueKeywords.has(prefix) && uniqueKeywords.has(suffix)) {
          output = `${prefix}<strong>${suffix}</strong>`;
    // if no embedding has happened
    // return the original word
    return output !== '' ? output : word;
  // from the string back
  return result.join(" ");
const str = "Ultimate JavaScript / FrontEnd Guide";
const words = ['Front', 'End', 'JavaScript'];

console.log(highlight(str, words));

// "Ultimate <strong>JavaScript</strong> / <strong>FrontEnd</strong> Guide"