Buggy Calculator

An algorithm to calculate the sum of two numbers without adding the carries(Buggy Calculator).

We are going to solve this buggy calculator problem with simple implementation technique and print the result.


12 + 9
25 + 25

11    // 12 + 9 = 21 without carrying 1 from 9 + 2 it would be 11;
40    // 25 + 25 = Ignore carrying 1 from  5 + 5 = 40;


  • We will carry out division digit by digit so that we can keep track of carrying number. For that, we will need to find the greater number from both of the numbers.
  • Then we will iterate through each digit of the greater number digits as it can contain more digits than smaller one.
  • We will then extract the last digit of both the numbers and add them, If they have carrying digit then will remove it.
  • Everything will be written in ES6.
let buggyCalculator = (n1, n2) => {
 let max = n1 > n2 ? n1 : n2;
 let sum = '';
  //Iterate through all the digits of greater number    
  while(parseInt(max) > 0){
     //Extract the last digit
     let last  = n1 % 10;
     let last2 = n2 % 10;
     //Add the last digit
     let d = last + last2;
     //if the sum is greater than one digit then extract the last digit. 
     d = (d > 9) ? d % 10: d;
     //Prefix the digit
     sum = d.toString() + sum;
     //remove the last digit.
     n1 =  parseInt(n1 / 10);
     n2 = parseInt(n2 / 10);      
     max /= 10;
  //Return the buggy sum
  return Number(sum);
console.log(buggyCalculator(11, 9)); 
console.log(buggyCalculator(25, 25));
console.log(buggyCalculator(793, 5142314));


/* How it works
   let max = n1 > n2 ? n1 : n2; = 11;
   let sum = '';
   while(parseInt(11) > 0){
     let last  = n1 % 10; = 1
     let last2 = n2 % 10; = 9
     let d = last + last2; = 10
     d = (d > 9) ? d % 10: d; = 0
     sum = d.toString() + sum; = 0 + '' = 0

     n1 =  parseInt(n1 / 10); = 1
     n2 = parseInt(n2 / 10);  = 0    
     max /= 10; = 1

   while(parseInt(1) > 0){
     let last  = n1 % 10; = 1
     let last2 = n2 % 10; = 0
     let d = last + last2; = 1
     d = (d > 9) ? d % 10: d; = 1
     sum = d.toString() + sum; = 1 + 0 = 10

     n1 =  parseInt(n1 / 10); = 0
     n2 = parseInt(n2 / 10);  = 0    
     max /= 10; = 0
   return 10;

Time Complexity: O(log(n)) or O(d) where d is the number of digits in the greater number.
Space Complexity: O(1).

Time and Space complexity

  • We are iterating through each digit of the greater number, so the Time complexity is O(d) where d is the no of digits.
  • We are using constant space, so Space complexity is O(1).

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