Program to print all the permutation of string

Learn how to implement an algorithm to print all the permutation of a string in javascript.

Permutation: Each of several possible ways in which a set or number of things can be ordered or arranged.






  • We are going to use the backtracking technique to print all the permutation of a string.
  • We will create a function which will print the permutation of the string if the first index and last index of string is equal.
  • If they are not equal then we will swap the characters of the string for each index and call the permute function recursively.
  • This way it will generate all the possible permutation and print them.
  • To swap the characters we will use another function.

This is how backtracking technique works for the string ‘ABC’.
Working of backtracking technique to generate permutation of string.

let permute = (str, left = 0, right = str.length - 1) => {
  //If left index is equal to right index
  //Print the string permutation
  if(left == right){
    for(let i = left; i <= right; i++){
      //Swap the letters of the string
      str = swap(str, left, i);
      //Generate the permutation with swapped letters
      permute(str, left+1, right);
      //Restore the letters back to their position
      str = swap(str, left, i);

//Function to swap the letters of the string
let swap = (str, left, right) => {
  let arr = str.split('');
  [arr[left], arr[right]] = [arr[right], arr[left]];
  return arr.join('');



Time complexity: O(n * n!).
Space complexity: O(n!).

Time and Space complexity

  • For any given string of length n there are n! possible permutations, and we need to print all of them so Time complexity is O(n * n!).
  • The function will be called recursively and will be stored in call stack for all n! permutations, so Space complexity is O(n!).