ES6 Intro


ES6 or ECMAScript6 or ECMAScript(2015) is a trademarked specification standardized by European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). As JavaScript popularity was rising and it has to be run on most of the browsers there was a need for a single platform where all new JavaScript features could be standardized thus ECMAScript was formed.

Apart from JavaScript, there are other well-known implementations of ECMAScript like JScript and ActionScript. It has been used for both frontend client-side rendering and the world wide web and server-side rendering in Node.js.

ES6 is not well supported by most of browsers. That’s why we need Babel or Traceur which is JavaScript compiler that converts the modern javascript to the supported javascript.

What you need to learn ES6?

  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • A modern web browser (Chrome or Mozilla)
  • Your favorite text editor

Which topics we will cover in ES6?

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