Check if document is ready in jquery

There are different ways to check if document is ready in jquery.

We always want all the document elements to be accessible before performing any sort of action on them. In order to do so we need to check if DOM is ready or not.

Only check if DOM is ready

If only want to know that your html elements are parsed and they are ready to access. Then you can do so by below methods.


We can listen to DOMContentLoaded event on the window to check if document object model is ready or not.

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
   document.querySelector('#learnersbucket').innerHTML = 'You are awesome';


//First way
   $('#learnersbucket').text('You are awesome');

//second way
  $('#learnersbucket').text('You are awesome');

Check if whole page is ready

If you want to make sure that your html is completely loaded and all your other assets like Css, Images, Fonts, Video, Audio etc are loaded as well then you should use the below methods.


We can listen to load event on the window to check if everything is loaded or not.

window.addEventListener('load', function(){
  // Everything has loaded!
   document.querySelector('#learnersbucket').innerHTML = 'You are awesome';

We can also check if specific elements are loaded or not. But remember your DOM should be ready in order to select the elements.

document.querySelector('#image').addEventlistener('load', function(){
   //Image is loaded


   alert('Window is loaded completely');

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