3 different ways to hide DOM element using Javascript

Learn how to show & hide DOM element using javascript.

We will see 3 different techniques through which we can show or hide the elements using vanilla javascript.

By setting display to none

Every DOM element has style property which we can access to set the display property.

We can set the display property to none to hide the element. Using display:none will also remove the element from the screen but it will be present in the DOM.

That means the space the element was taking will be removed.

<div id="hideMe" ></div>

let elm = document.querySelector('#hideMe');

elm.style.display = 'none';

Similarly we can set the display property to block, inline-block or inline etc to make it appear again.

elm.style.display = 'block';

By setting visibility to hidden

We can also change the visibility property of the element to make it hide, It will not remove the element from the screen but instead just disappear the element.

The element space will be still present on the screen.

elm.style.visibility = 'hidden';

We can update the visibility to visible to make the element visible again.

elm.style.visibility = 'visible';

By changing opacity to hide the element

The same way we can also change the opacity of the element to hide it using javascript.

//To hide the element
elm.style.opacity = 0;

//To show the element
elm.style.opacity = 1;