Trapping rain water in javascript

Learn how to solve the trapping rain water problem in javascript.

The problem statement is read as given an array of non-negative integers representing the elevation wall calculate the amount of rain water that can trapped inside it.




Trapping rain water in javascript

We are going to see two different solutions.
1. Naive using brute force.
2. An efficient approach.

Naive approach using brute force.

Conceptually it works as follows.

  • If there is greater wall then there is potential that water can be stored.
  • So calculate the amount of water that can be stored.
  • While doing this keep track of the longest wall. Because it will help to calculate the rain water that can be stored above the current.
const trap = (height) => {

    let largest = height[0];
    let largestIndex = 0;
    let water = 0;

    for(let i=1; i height[i-1]) {
            // what is the max water level
            let fill = Math.min(largest, height[i]);
            // fill in the water between largest and i
            for(let j=largestIndex+1; j largest) {
                largest = height[i];
                largestIndex = i;
    return water;


Time complexity: O(n ^ 2).
Space complexity: O(1).

An efficient approach to find the trapping rain water in javascript.

  • In this approach we start calculating the water trapped from both the ends and then combine them together to return the total.
  • If the right wall is greater the left walls then calculate the amount of water that could be stored there and move further.
const trap = (height) => {
    let leftMax = -1, 
        rightMax = -1, 
        left = 0, 
        right = height.length - 1, 
        water = 0;
    while (left <= right) {
        //Get the max wall height from both the ends
        leftMax = height[left] > leftMax ? height[left] : leftMax
        rightMax = height[right] > rightMax? height[right] : rightMax
        //calculate the amount of water trapped
        if (leftMax > rightMax) {
            water += rightMax - height[right]
        else {
            water += leftMax - height[left]
    return water


Time complexity: O(n).
Space complexity: O(1).