Reverse a string using recursion

An algorithm to reverse a string using recursion.

We are going to implement two different algorithms to reverse a string using recursion in javascript. Everything will be written in ES6.




A simple method


  • We will create function reverseString which will take string and the length of the string as a input.
  • Then we will add a condition to check if the length of the string is 0 then return empty string ''.
  • Else we will add the last character of the string with second last character by calling the same function recursively.
function reverseString(str, n){
  //If the length is 0 
  //then return an empty string
  if(n == 0){
     return '';
  //Call the function recursively with one character less and so on.
  return str[n-1] + reverseString(str, --n);
console.log(reverseString('prashant', 8));


Time complexity: O(n).
Space complexity: O(n).

Time and Space complexity

  • We are call the same function recursively till the length of the string is greater than 0, so Time complexity is O(n).
  • As we are calling the function recursively it will stored in the call stack, so Space complexity is O(n).

Using String.substring() to reverse the string recursively.

String.substring(start, end) returns all the substring between the start and end index.


  • We are going to use the above approach only but instead of using string’s length, we will pass the truncated substring itself.
  • Then we will add the last character of the string with second last character and so on by calling the same function recursively.
  • Keep calling the function till there are characters in the string. If there are no character then return empty string.
function reverseString(str){
  //If the length is 0 
  //then return an empty string
  if(str.length === 0){
    return '';
  //Call the function recursively with one character less and so on.
  return str.substring(str.length, str.length-1) + reverseString(str.substring(0, str.length-1));
console.log(reverseString('prashant', 8));


str.substring(str.length, str.length-1) will return the last character of the string like 't'.

reverseString(str.substring(0, str.length-1)) will call the same function recursively without last character like 'prashan'.

Keep repeating this till the string has characters in it.

't' + reverseString('prashan')
'tn' + reverseString('prasha')
'tna' + reverseString('prash')
'tnah' + reverseString('pras')
'tnahs' + reverseString('pra')
'tnahsa' + reverseString('pr')
'tnahsar' + reverseString('p')
'tnahsarp' + reverseString('')
'tnahsarp' + '';

return 'tnahsarp';

Time complexity: O(n);
Space complexity: O(n ^ 2);

Time and Space complexity

  • We are call the same function recursively for all the characters of the string, so Time complexity is O(n).
  • Recursive function will be stored in call stack and each substring() will return a copy of string with start & end index which will also take space, so Space complexity is O(n ^ 2).

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