Maximum Collatz sequence under 1000000

An algorithm to find the maximum Collatz sequence under 1 million.

We will implement an optimized algorithm to print the number with the maximum count of numbers in a Collatz sequence under 1000000 in javascript. Everything will be written in ES6.

Learn more about Collatz sequence.


  • We will use dynamic programming to solve this.
  • We will use a object to store the count of already computed collatz sequence.
  • Then loop through all the numbers upto 1000000 and find the collatz sequence of each of them if it is not already computed and store it.
let collatzSequence = () => {
    let memo = {}; //Store already computed sequence count
    let max = 0;   //Store the max count
    let index = 0; //Store the number with max count
    //loop from 1 to 1000000		
    for(let j = 1; j <= 1000000; j++){
	let count = 1; //initialize the count
	let i = j;     // use temp variable to compute the collatz sequence
        // compute the collatz sequence
	while(i > 1){
         //if the sequence is not already present then compute it
	    i = (i % 2 == 0) ? parseInt(i / 2) : parseInt((3 * i) + 1);
            //Else update the count with already stored sequence count
            count = count + memo[i] - 1;			
        //store the sequence for the given number
	memo[j] = count;
        //get the max count and number with max count
	if(max < count){
	  max = count;
	  index = j;
  //return the number
  return index;


Time complexity: NA.
Space complexity: O(1).

Time and Space complexity

  • We are iteating from 1 to 1000000 but there is no specific time of computing the collatz sequence of each numbers, so Time complexity is NA.
  • We are using constant space of 1000000 to store the sequence count, so Space complexity is O(1).

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