Find longest palindrome in a string

Learn how to implement an algorithm to find the longest palindrome in a string.

Also known as longest palindromic substring or subsequence, we have to find the longest palindrome in the given string and return it. It is guaranteed that there will always be a palindrome because a single character is also a palindrome.



"bab" or "aba"

Finding longest palindrome in a string

The naive approach is to find all the substrings of the string which will run in O(n ^ 2) and then check if each substring is palindrome or not which will take additional O(n) so in total it will run on O(n ^ 3).

We can optimize it further to run it in O(n ^ 2) by checking if the substrings are palindrome or not in O(1).

By definition

Palindrome: A word, sequence or number that reads same when reversed.

Remember this definition because we are going to utilize this to check if string is palindrome in O(1).


  • We will use two nested loops to find all the substrings.
  • For each sub string we will maintain it in two orders forward and reverse.
  • In forward order we will add the next character after the current substring and in reverse order we will add the next character before the substring.
  • If at any point the forward and reverse substring are same then it is a palindrome hence store it.
  • Keep doing this for all the substring and return the longest palindrome.

Example of substring in forward and reverse order


"bb"  --- Match

"bb"  --- Match
const longestPalindrome = (s) => {
    let max = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
    let palindromeStr = "";
    for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
        //If we have already have palindrome string
        //Greater than remaining string to be checked
        //Then break
        if(max > s.length - i){
        let forward = "";
        let reverse = "";
        for(let j = i; j < s.length; j++){
            //Forward substring
            forward = forward + s[j];
            //Reverse substring
            reverse = s[j] + reverse;
            //If forward === reverse then it is a palindrome
            //So store if it is greater than max
            if(forward === reverse && max < forward.length){
                max = forward.length;
                palindromeStr = forward;
    return palindromeStr;


Time complexity: O(n ^ 2).
Space complexity: O(1).