Remove an item from an array in javascript

Learn how to remove single or multiple items from an given array in javascript.

We will see different ways in which an item can be removed with and without changing the original array.

Without changing the array

Javascript provides many different ways to remove items from the array. The methods which we are going to use here will not change the original array.

Using slice()

If we know the index of the item we want to remove then we can use the slice() method.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];
let index = 2;
let newArr = arr.slice(0, index).concat(arr.slice(index + 1, arr.length))
let newArr = [...arr.slice(0, index), ...arr.slice(index + 1, arr.length)];

//["prashant", "sachin", "panam", "pranav"]

slice(startIndex, endIndex) method takes two parameters startIndex and endIndex and returns all the elements between them(including startIndex’s element) as a new array.

So we have taken all the elements from 0 to 2 and 3 to 5 and joined them using concat() method or ES6 ... spread operator.

Removing multiple values

If we want to remove the multiple values then we can create a helper function and reuse it to remove the elements.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];

let removeItems = (arr, index) => {
  return [...arr.slice(0, index), ...arr.slice(index+1, arr.length)];

arr = removeItems(arr, 2);
//["prashant", "sachin", "panam", "pranav"]

arr = removeItems(arr, 3);
//["prashant", "sachin", "panam"]

Note: Here you must be aware that once you removed an item from the array then the index of other elements changes.

Using filter()

If we want to remove the element by the value, then we can use the filter() method to remove the item.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];
let exclude = 'prashant';
let updated = arr.filter(e => e !== exclude);
//["sachin", "yogesh", "panam", "pranav"]

filter(callback) method returns are new array with the filtered value based on the given condition. It loops through the each element of the array and adds the element in the filtered array only if the given condition is true.
Here we are using => function.

We can also remove multiple values based on the above approach.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];
let exclude = ['prashant', 'yogesh'];

let updated = arr.filter(e => exclude.indexOf(e) === -1);
//["sachin", "panam", "pranav"]

We have created an array of values to be excluded and then used indexOf method to check if the element is present in the exclude array.

By mutating the array

Javascript also provides another array method which can be used to remove an item from the array.

Using splice()

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];
let index = 2;
arr.splice(index, 1);

//["prashant", "sachin", "panam", "pranav"]

splice(index, deleteCount) takes two parametes index and deleteCount. It removes no of element given through deleteCount starting from the given index. It modifies the original array i.e it removes the item in place.

Using pop()

Removing the last item from the array.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];

//[prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam']

pop() method removes the last item from the array.

Using shift()

Removing the first item from the array.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];

//['sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav']

pop() method removes the first item from the array.

By changing the array length

We can also change the array length to remove the last item from the array.

let arr = ['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam', 'pranav'];
arr.length = 4;

//['prashant', 'sachin', 'yogesh', 'panam']

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