Razorpay frontend interview experience

Razorapy's Frontend Interview Experience

On June 7 a recruiter contacted me through LinkedIn saying that she has an amazing opportunity for Senior Frontend Role at Razorpay and would you be interested in Interviewing.

Fast forward to July 7th I got my offer letter from Razorpay. It was really great Interviewing at Razorpay because their hiring was focused on overall aspects and not simply on Problem Solving (DSA).

They didn’t have a DSA round, at least for the frontend role.

Ace your JavaScript interview by practicing it at practice.learnersbucket.com, requires no authentication and it is completely free.

In total there were 4 rounds taken.

1. JavaScript platform round. (1 panelist) – (1 hour).

In this round, I was asked 3 questions based on JavaScript’s core concepts.

I solved the first two without any hustle as I had already practiced and solved them before.

In the third one, I got stuck at one point (due to time constraints and pressure) but in the end, I was able to pull it out.

2. Machine Coding Round. (2 panelists) – (1.5 – 2 hours).

In this round, there were two panelists.

I was asked to create a UI component in any framework of my choice. The question came with two options.

  1. Must have feature.
  2. Nice to have feature.

Must have feature.

The bare minimum features that would make the component working.

Nice to have features.

Additional features which will excel the component.

I was provided an online platform to code, They asked if I want to use Redux or not and I got ahead with redux.

Libraries were preloaded, but you had to code everything from the scratch. If required you can use google.

I implemented both the features without googling. (Practice paid off.)

The two panelists had different roles to play during the interview.

  1. Who had kept asking cross-questions on the approach I was following.
  2. He was silently observing the way I was coding, Is it modular, scalable, extendable, or not.

3. System design round (1 panelist) – (2.5 hours) (Usually 1.5 hours)

In this round, I was asked to create an optimised web app.

This round was basically to explore my knowledge about the web fundamentals, security, optimisation, performance, PWA, etc.

I listed all the questions and then we proceeded further.

It was one of the longest rounds of interviews I have given.

Explained lots of different approaches I would follow.

Lots of cross-questions on my approach.

For example, How would I manage the authentication and authorization?.

It was a great round, I learned a lot from it, In the end, cleared it.

One week before I had read the engineer blogs of Canva, Uber, & Slack on how do they optimize large-scale web apps. These really helped me think out of the box and put my points with increased confidence.

Hiring Manager (1 panelist) – (1 hour).

It was with the VP or LEAD, I don’t remember exactly, but it was a simple and straightforward round based on previous work experience, what I looking for in the current role, etc.

All and all it was really quite an experience Interviewing at Razorpay.