5 reasons to learn javascript in 2019

Javascript code

2018 has been a great year for javascript, It’s libraries and frameworks dominated the web continuously for a whole year. This shows how popular is javascript but below are the 5 reasons why you should learn javascript in 2019.

1. Use of javascript

Javascript is omnipresent, it has come far away from being the language to manipulate DOM to one of the best languages to master.


With the introduction of Nodejs, JavaScript has become the Elder Wand of the world of programming. Nodejs provides the javascript developers to dive deep into the servers and they no longer need to learn another language.


React the most prominent player in this group has changed the frontend drastically along with others like Angularjs, Vuejs, Meteorjs and many more.


It is now possible to create mobile application with different platforms using single language. React Native, Ionic, Apache cordova, Phonegap etc.


Electron has made it possible to create desktop application for different operating system using single language.


Mongodb A NoSql database which uses javascript as its scripting language.

Machine Learning

With libraries like Tensorflowjs and Brainjs we can also do machine learning and neural networks.


There are lots of libraries that one can use to do the IOT. Jhonny-five, Cyclone.js to name a few.

2. Easy to learn

Being the loosely typed language javascript is easy to learn and one can find tons of tutorials to get started with javascript. With code camps like Freecodecamp you can easily learn the language and land a job.

3. Community

Javascript has the a huge community for all its libraries and frameworks, you can always find solution to your problems if you ever got stuck with the community help. There is high probability that there is already a solution for your problem.

4. Free

Javascript is free and you don’t have to pay a penny to build you applications. Grab your favourite text editor and get started also you don’t need any setup to build your webapps.

5. Demand

From the industry giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon to the startups everyone uses javascript as it is the language of web. Good javascript developers with experience on its popular libraries and frameworks are always in demand and are paid very well globally.

Javascript has been and will be the most demanding language in 2019. As web is continuously evolving and so is javascript. Here on learnersbucket we help everyone who wants to learn to code and clear their interviews to land dream job. Join us today for free.