Javascript function that returns sum of the previous values

We will see how to create a javascript function that will remember its previously passed values and return the sum of the current and previous value.

Here is an example of what the output should be like.

sum(5); // 5
sum(3); // 8
sum(4); // 12
sum(0); // 12

As the 5 is the first value so the first function returned 5. As 3 is passed as the input to the second function the output is 5 + 3 = 8.

To create such functions we should know how the javascript function works. Javascript functions have access to the state (properties & methods) of its parent function even after it is executed.

So to create a function that will return the sum of the previous values in javascript we will use this technique of closure.

const curry = () => {
  //To store the previous values
  let sum = 0;
  //Return an inner function 
  //Which will have access to its parent function's store
  return function(num = 0) {
    sum += num;
    return sum;

Here we have created a function named curry which has a store to keep track of the previous value and returns an inner function.

The powerful feature of the javascript function is that the inner function still has access to the parent function’s properties and methods even after it is returned.

We now call this function which will return the inner function and we can use the return inner function for our action.

//Returns and store the inner function.
let sum = curry();

Now if we call this with the specified value, it should return the desired output.

console.log(sum(5)); //5
console.log(sum(3)); //8
console.log(sum(4)); //12
console.log(sum(0)); //12
console.log(sum()); //12