Convert HTML to JSON using JavaScript

Write a function that takes a DOM node as input and converts it to the JavaScript object. The object should have the type of node, its attributes, and all the children.


<div id="foo">
  <p class="bar">

  "props": {
    "id": "foo"
  "children": [
      "children": "Hello",
      "type": "h1"
      "props": {
        "class": "bar"
      "children": [
          "children": "World!",
          "type": "span"
      "type": "p"
  "type": "div"

We will create a function that will convert the HTML node to the JSON object.

There are three things that we need to generally take care of to create this function

  • Get the name of the HTML element of the node.
  • Get all the properties/attributes of the node.
  • If the node does not have any children then gets its content, otherwise iterates each child, and calls the same function recursively with them to generate the object for each.

We will be using a helper function that will give us all the attributes of the node.

// helper function to get all the attributes of node
const getAllAtrributes = (node) => { 
  let obj = {};
  for (let att, i = 0, atts = node.attributes, n = atts.length; i < n; i++){
      att = atts[i];
      obj[att.nodeName] = att.nodeValue;

  return obj;

const HTMLtoJSON = (node) => {
  // to store the output
  const output = {};
  // get the node name
  const type = node.localName;
  // set the children to innerText by default
  let children = node.innerText;
  // if the node has children
  if(node.children.length > 0){
    // recursively compute all the children
    // and return an array of them
    children = [];
    for(let child of node.children){
  // get all the properties of the node
  const props = getAllAtrributes(node);
  // if properties exist store them
    output['props'] = props;
  // store the type and children
  output['children'] = children;
  output['type'] = type;
  return output;
<div id="foo">
  <p class="bar">

const node = document.getElementById("foo");

  "props": {
    "id": "foo"
  "children": [
      "children": "Hello",
      "type": "h1"
      "props": {
        "class": "bar"
      "children": [
          "children": "World!",
          "type": "span"
      "type": "p"
  "type": "div"