useResponsive() hook in React

Let us see how to create useResponsive() hook in React that will return the device type (isMobile, isTablet, isDesktop) depending upon the window width.

Many times we require to conditionally render components depending upon the device, rather than hiding and showing through CSS we can use this hook.

For this, we will assign an event listener to the window object and listen to the resize event on the function onResizeHandler() that will update the state when ever user resizes the screen.

Assigning the event listener and removing it are abstracted inside two functions Setup() and Cleanup() and it is called inside the useEffect() hook, we have also called onResizeHandler() to initialize the value.

const useResponsive = () => {
  // screen resolutions
  const [state, setState] = useState({
    isMobile: false,
    isTablet: false,
    isDesktop: false,

  useEffect(() => {
    // update the state on the initial load

    // assign the event

    return () => {
      // remove the event
  }, []);

  // update the state on window resize
  const onResizeHandler = () => {
    const isMobile = window.innerWidth <= 768;
    const isTablet = window.innerWidth >= 768 && window.innerWidth <= 990;
    const isDesktop = window.innerWidth > 990;

    setState({ isMobile, isTablet, isDesktop });

  // debounce the resize call
  const debouncedCall = useDebounce(onResizeHandler, 500);

  // add event listener
  const Setup = () => {
    window.addEventListener("resize", debouncedCall, false);

  // remove the listener
  const Cleanup = () => {
    window.removeEventListener("resize", debouncedCall, false);

  return state;

The function onResizeHandler() is debounced using useDebounce() hook as we won’t to avoid the continuous state updates as user keeps resizing, rather update once when the user is done resizing.

Test Case

const Example = () => {
  const { isMobile, isTablet, isDesktop } = useResponsive();

  console.log(isMobile, isTablet, isDesktop);

  return <></>;

false, false, true