useAsync() hook in React

Let us see how to implement useAsync() hook in React.

useAsync(asyncFn, immediate) takes an async function and an immediate flag as input and it will provide an abstraction for complete async operation (API calls) in React, in return it will give the status, value, error, refetch.

  • state: It will have one of the four values ["idle", "pending", "success", "error"] depending upon the current state of the asyncFn.
  • value: If the state is success then this will have the value returned from the asyncFn.
  • error: If the state is error then this will have the error returned from the asyncFn.
  • refetch(): This function can be used to invoke the function again and refetch data.

Based on the input and output, let’s implement the useAsync() hook.

We will be using useState to monitor the status, value, & error.
and useCallback() hook to create a memoized refetch() function.

A memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed is what useCallback returns. To avoid needless renderings, this is helpful when delivering callbacks to optimised child components that rely on reference equality.

At the end, we will pass the immediate flag that we took as input to the useEffect() hook that will trigger the refetch if the value of the immediate flag changes and is true.

const useAsync = (asyncFn, immediate = false) => {
  // four status to choose ["idle", "pending", "success", "error"]
  const [state, setState] = useState({
    status: "idle",
    value: null,
    error: null,

  // return the memoized function
  // useCallback ensures the below useEffect is not called
  // on every render, but only if asyncFunction changes.
  const refetch = useCallback(() => {
    // reset the state before call
      status: "pending",
      value: null,
      error: null,

    return asyncFn()
      .then((response) => {
          status: "success",
          value: response,
          error: null,
      .catch((error) => {
          status: "error",
          value: null,
          error: error,
  }, [asyncFn]);

  // execute the function
  // if asked for immediate
  useEffect(() => {
    if (immediate) {
  }, [refetch, immediate]);

  // state values
  const { status, value, error } = state;

  return { refetch, status, value, error };

Test Case

//dummy api call
const fakeApiCall = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const rnd = Math.random() * 10;
      rnd <= 5 ? resolve("Success") : reject("Error");
    }, 1000);

const Example = () => {
  const { status, value, error } = useAsync(fakeApiCall, true);

  return (
      <div>Status: {status}</div>
      <div>Value: {value}</div>
      <div>error: {error}</div>

Status: success
Value: Success