Time in human readable format in React

Create a component in React that takes time as input and returns a string representing the time in the human-readable format like “just now”, “a few secs ago”, “a minute ago”, “10 mins ago”, etc.


<FormattedTime time={new Date("Sun Nov 20 2022 14:20:59")} />

3 hours ago

This component requires calculating the difference between two times efficiently and then showing the appropriate message.

Get a time as input and get the difference between it with the current time in seconds.

// get the current time in milliseconds
const current = +Date.now();

// get the date in milliseconds
const lastTime = +lastDate;

// get the difference in milliseconds
let diff = Math.abs(current - lastTime);

// convert the time to seconds
diff = diff / 1000;

Create an enum of times in seconds and the messages.

// messages
const messages = {
  NOW: "just now",
  LESS_THAN_A_MINUTE: "a few secs ago",
  LESS_THAN_5_MINUTES: "a minute ago",
  MINUTES: "mins ago",
  HOURS: "hours ago",
  DAYS: "days ago",
  MONTHS: "months ago",
  YEARS: "years ago",

// time in seconds
const timeInSecond = {
  MINUTE: 60,
  HOUR: 60 * 60,
  DAY: 24 * 60 * 60,
  MONTH: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
  YEAR: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,

Check, in which range do times fit and return the message accordingly.

// convert the time to the human-readable format
  switch (diff) {
    case diff < 10:
      return messages.NOW;
    case diff > 10 && diff < timeInSecond.MINUTE:
      return messages.LESS_THAN_A_MINUTE;
    case diff > timeInSecond.MINUTE && diff < timeInSecond.MINUTE * 5:
      return messages.LESS_THAN_5_MINUTES;
      if (diff < timeInSecond.HOUR) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.MINUTE)} ${messages.MINUTES}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.HOUR && diff < timeInSecond.DAY) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.HOUR)} ${messages.HOURS}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.DAY && diff < timeInSecond.MONTH) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.DAY)} ${messages.DAYS}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.MONTH && diff < timeInSecond.YEAR) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.MONTH)} ${messages.MONTHS}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.YEAR) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.YEAR)} ${messages.YEARS}`;

Encapsulate this logic inside a function that will format and return the value.

// messages
const messages = {
  NOW: "just now",
  LESS_THAN_A_MINUTE: "a few secs ago",
  LESS_THAN_5_MINUTES: "a minute ago",
  MINUTES: "mins ago",
  HOURS: "hours ago",
  DAYS: "days ago",
  MONTHS: "months ago",
  YEARS: "years ago",

// time in seconds
const timeInSecond = {
  MINUTE: 60,
  HOUR: 60 * 60,
  DAY: 24 * 60 * 60,
  MONTH: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
  YEAR: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60,

// get the floor value
const getFormatted = (time) => {
  return Math.floor(time);

// helper function to calculate
const calculate = (lastDate) => {
  // get the current time in milliseconds
  const current = +Date.now();

  // get the date in milliseconds
  const lastTime = +lastDate;

  // get the difference in milliseconds
  let diff = Math.abs(current - lastTime);

  // convert the time to seconds
  diff = diff / 1000;

  // convert the time to the human-readable format
  switch (diff) {
    case diff < 10:
      return messages.NOW;
    case diff > 10 && diff < timeInSecond.MINUTE:
      return messages.LESS_THAN_A_MINUTE;
    case diff > timeInSecond.MINUTE && diff < timeInSecond.MINUTE * 5:
      return messages.LESS_THAN_5_MINUTES;
      if (diff < timeInSecond.HOUR) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.MINUTE)} ${messages.MINUTES}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.HOUR && diff < timeInSecond.DAY) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.HOUR)} ${messages.HOURS}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.DAY && diff < timeInSecond.MONTH) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.DAY)} ${messages.DAYS}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.MONTH && diff < timeInSecond.YEAR) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.MONTH)} ${messages.MONTHS}`;
      } else if (diff > timeInSecond.YEAR) {
        return `${getFormatted(diff / timeInSecond.YEAR)} ${messages.YEARS}`;

const FormattedTime = ({ time }) => {
  // calculate the time
  const convertedTime = calculate(time);
  return <p>{convertedTime}</p>;

export default FormattedTime;
<FormattedTime time={new Date("Sun Nov 20 2022 14:20:59")} />

3 hours ago