Create a mock server in Reactjs

In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a mock-server in Reactjs.

Create a mock server in Reactjs

Often during the development or testing, when the Rest APIs are not available, we can create and make use of a mock server that will return the random response at the random latency (delay) and will fail also at random.

To create the mock server we will create a function from a closure with random results and then return a promise from the function.

This promise will have a setTimeout function that will run for a random duration showcasing there is a delay in the API response and we will reject or resolve the promise based on random the values.

Derive the randomness

This function will take a count and will return a boolean value true or false randomly.

function getRandomBool(n) {
  const threshold = 1000;
  if (n > threshold) n = threshold;
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * threshold) % n === 0;

Using this we can derive if the promise will resolve or reject.

Mock server with random delay and result

We will have failure count and latency value that will help to derive the randomness of failure and the delay in the mock server.

const FAILURE_COUNT = 10;
const LATENCY = 200;

function mockServer() {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const randomTimeout = Math.random() * LATENCY;
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (getRandomBool(FAILURE_COUNT)) {
      } else {
    }, randomTimeout);

Using the mock-server as auto-suggestion

Let us say we are creating a search function, that will return the auto-suggestion list for the text passed to with the prefix and postfix values.

We can create a mock server for the auto-suggestion by taking the text as input and then pushing random values in the results list and resolving the promise with this result.

const FAILURE_COUNT = 10;
const LATENCY = 200;

function getRandomBool(n) {
  const threshold = 1000;
  if (n > threshold) n = threshold;
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * threshold) % n === 0;

function getSuggestions(text) {
  let pre = 'pre';
  let post = 'post';
  let results = [];
  if (getRandomBool(2)) {
    results.push(pre + text);
  if (getRandomBool(2)) {
  if (getRandomBool(2)) {
    results.push(text + post);
  if (getRandomBool(2)) {
    results.push(pre + text + post);
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const randomTimeout = Math.random() * LATENCY;
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (getRandomBool(FAILURE_COUNT)) {
      } else {
    }, randomTimeout);
getSuggestions("text").then((val) => {console.log(val)});
// Array(3) [ "pretext", "textpost", "pretextpost" ]