Aggregate the Input values

Given multiple input elements with different names and values inside a wrapper. Aggregate the values of the input on the names.

<form id="parent">
	<input type="text" name="a.c" value="1"/>
	<input type="text" name="a.b.d" value="2"/>
  <input type="text" name="a.b.e" value="3"/>

  "a": {
    "c": "1",
    "b": {
      "d": "2",
      "e": "3"

The approach is straightforward to solve this, create a function that will accept the parent’s id as input and get all the input elements under that parent.

Now using Array.reduce() we can aggregate the values of each input on its key. All we have to do is,

  • Split the name on the . and get all the keys as an array.
  • Check if the key already exists or not, if it does not create an empty object and assign it to it.
  • If the key is the last from the array then assign the value to it.
  • At the end update the reference of this new object to the current object.
const aggregateValues = (id) => {
  // get the element
	const element = document.querySelector(`#${id}`);
  // get all the input elements under it
  // change the type depending on the requirement
  // can take it as a argument
  const inputs = element.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]');
  // aggregate the input values
  return Array.from(inputs).reduce((prev, current) => {
      // split the name and from an array of keys
      const names =".");
      // store the previous object
      // for traversing the object
      // parent -> child -> grandchild
      let temp = prev;
      // iterate each key in the name
      names.forEach((name, index) => {
        // if the key is not already present, 
        // create an empty object
        if (!(name in temp)) {
          temp[name] = {};
        // if the current key is the last one
        // assign the value to it
        if (index == names.length - 1) {
          temp[name] = current.value;
        // reference the next value to current
        temp = temp[name];
      // return the formed object
      return prev;
    }, {});
<form id="parent">
	<input type="text" name="a.c" value="1"/>
	<input type="text" name="a.b.d" value="2"/>
  <input type="text" name="a.b.e" value="3"/>


  "a": {
    "c": "1",
    "b": {
      "d": "2",
      "e": "3"