Iterative merge sort algorithm

Learn how to implement iterative merge sort algorithm in javascript.

We have already seen what is merge sort algorithm and how to implement it recursively.

In this example we will see how to implement it iteratively.

Iterative Merge sort algorithm

Conceptually this is how merge sort works

  • Divide the given unsorted elements into n sub element list, each containing only one element (A single element is always sorted).
  • Repeatedly merge this sub element lists in the required order until there is only one sub element list. At the end the last list will be the sorted.

Iterative Merge sort in javascript

Bottom up merge sort

In iterative or also known as bottom up merge sort we treat each element of the array as n sub arrays and then iteratively merge these sub array back and forth between two buffers.

const mergeSort = (arr) => {
  //Create two arrays for sorting
  let sorted = Array.from(arr);
  let n = sorted.length;
  let buffer = new Array(n);
  for (let size = 1; size < n; size *= 2) {
    for (let leftStart = 0; leftStart < n; leftStart += 2*size) {
      //Get the two sub arrays
      let left = leftStart,
          right = Math.min(left + size, n),
          leftLimit = right,
          rightLimit = Math.min(right + size, n);
      //Merge the sub arrays
      merge(left, right, leftLimit, rightLimit, sorted, buffer);  
    //Swap the sorted sub array and merge them
    let temp = sorted;
    sorted = buffer;
    buffer = temp;
  return sorted;

Now to merge the sub arrays we copy the sub arrays in sorted order in the buffer array. This merging takes in-place.

const merge = (left, right, leftLimit, rightLimit, sorted, buffer) => {
  let i = left;
  //Compare the two sub arrays and merge them in the sorted order
  while (left < leftLimit && right < rightLimit) {
    if (sorted[left] <= sorted[right]) {
      buffer[i++] = sorted[left++];
    } else {
      buffer[i++] = sorted[right++];

  //If there are elements in the left sub arrray then add it to the result
  while (left < leftLimit) {
    buffer[i++] = sorted[left++];

  //If there are elements in the right sub array then add it to the result
  while (right < rightLimit) {
    buffer[i++] = sorted[right++];
console.log(mergeSort([30, 20, 10, 50, 22, 33, 55]));

[10, 20, 22, 30, 33, 50, 55]

Time complexity: O(NlogN).
Space complexity: O(N).