Decode a string (encoded with number followed by string)

An algorithm to decode a string which is encoded in a pattern where a substring is wrapped in square brackets lead by a number.




Decode a string

Using two stacks to decode a string.


  • We will use two different stacks, one to store the count i.e numbers numStack and second to the store the sub string charStack.
  • We will iterate the whole string on each character and check
  • If the current char is number then push it to the numStack.
  • Else if the character is opening square bracket '[' then check if there is a count number assigned to it or not. If it is then it may have already been pushed in the first condition so just add the character to charStack else add the current character to charStack and 1 to the numStack.
  • If the character is closing square bracket ']' then get the count from numStack and sub string from charStack and decode them, then again add the decoded string back to the charStack so that in the next iteration decoded sub string will be repeated along with the parent sub string.
  • Else the character is alphabet so add it to the charStack.
  • In the end create a string from the charStack (which will have decoded substring) and return it.
let decodeString = (str) => {
  let numStack = new Stack();
  let charStack = new Stack();
  let decoded = "", temp ="";
  for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
    let count = 0;
    let val = str[i];
    //If char is number then
    //push to numStack
    }else if(val === '['){
      //Else if open bracket and previous character is number 
      //Then it will already added to numStack in the above (if condition)
      //Just add the char to charStack
        //Else add 1 to numstack
        //And char to charStack
    }else if(val === ']'){
      //If close bracket
      //Reset temp and count
      temp = "";
      count = 0;
      //Get the count from numStack
      count = !numStack.isEmpty() && numStack.pop();
      //Get the subStr from charStack
      while(!charStack.isEmpty() && charStack.peek() !== '['){
        temp = charStack.pop() + temp;
      //Remove the '[' char from charStack
      if(!charStack.isEmpty() && charStack.peek() === '['){
      //Create the repeat subStr
      decoded = temp.repeat(count);
      //Push the newlyCreated subStr to charStack again
      for(let j = 0; j < decoded.length; j++){
      //reset the string
      decoded = "";
    } else{
      //If alpha character then add to charStack
  //Form the decoded string from charStack
    decoded = charStack.pop() + decoded;
  //Return the decoded str
  return decoded;


Time complexity: O(n ^ 2).
Space complexity: O(n + n).