Check if binary tree has path sum

Learn how to create an algorithm to check if binary tree has path sum.


Given a binary tree and a number check if there is a path in a binary tree from root to leaf (leaf is a node with no children) such that adding their sum equals to that number. If yes then return true else return false.



You can see the path sum in this image.

Binary tree sum path

Finding binary tree sum path with recursion

  • We use a tracker to check if the sum was present in the tree. It will be false by default.
  • Start from 0 and pass the current sum to the child node by calling the function recursively with left and right childs.
  • In each call if the sum is equal to the number and the current node is a leaf node that is does not have any child then mark true in the tracker.
  • At the end return the tracker value.
const hasPathSum = (root, sum) => {
    const tracker = { 'b' : false};
    //Traverse the tree
    //Start with 0 and keep adding to it
    traverse(root, 0, sum, tracker);
    return tracker['b'];

const traverse = (root, sum, match, found) => {
    //If no root then return
    //Add the value with current sum
    sum += root.val;
    //If sum is present and is leaf node then mark true
    if(sum === match && !root.left && !root.right){
        found['b'] = true;
    //Traverse the left and right child nodes
    traverse(root.left, sum, match, found);
    traverse(root.right, sum, match, found);
//Assume that this input array will be converted to tree.
hasPathSum([5,4,8,11,null,13,4,7,2,null,null,null,1], 22)


Time complexity: O(n) where n is all the nodes in the tree.
Space complexity: O(n) where n is all the nodes in the tree (considering the call stack).