Interview Guide
“JavaScript Interview Guide” is an of its kind resource written specifically for JavaScript / Frontend developers who are looking to crack the Web, Mobile, or any job interview that requires JavaScript as the primary programming language.
What will you get in this book?
This book is full of solved interview questions collected over the span of 4 years focusing solely on Frontend engineering and the questions range for interview of SDE1, SDE2, SDE3, and STAFF.

“Hi Prashant, I was able to crack a very good offer using the ebook. Thanks a lot for the efforts.”
– Vanshaj Kapoor
“Your ebook has all the problems and it is the best resource to prepare for the frontend interviews. I was asked the Analytics SDK question in Flipkart’s interview.”
– Vishal Patil
“Your ebook helped me a lot in terms of JavaScript, I wasn’t aware these many things are asked in Frontend Interviews. Thanks for the book though.”
– Abhay Sachan
“I have just completed a few javascript questions from this well-curated collection of interview questions and I am enjoying the process of learning each day with some new questions. Understanding the implementation of inner workings will not help only in interviews.. it also helps in daily development work. Thanks for this awesome collection of questions Prashant Yadav.”
– Sumitra Shaw
“The selection of questions is really great. Problem statements are really unique & I have never seen these kinds of problems being covered anywhere. Appreciate your effort in creating the problem statement for these questions. The solutions are explained in depth.”
– @Jaynil_Gaglani (Frontend engineer at Razorpay)
“Just finished review of the book – JavaScript Interview Guide by @LearnersBucket.
An awesome book with a great set of questions. All the questions are practical and consist of real-world examples.
The book is an asset for people who are looking for a senior engineer role.”
– @ankitsharma_007 (Software engineer at Cisco)
“I have gone through the book and it is really good. Well-structured along with test cases and comments in the code helps a lot. Also, questions are related to concepts which are usually tested in interviews of bigger firms.”
– @coder_next_door (Faisal Khan) (Frontend engineer at Uber)