Find the correct position to insert an element in the array

An algorithm to find the correct position to insert a given element in the array.

We will implement a simple algorithm in javascript to find the correct position to insert an element in the given array.

Assume the given array will be sorted and it will not contain any duplicates.






2    //5 is present at index 2 in [1, 3, 5, 6]
1    //2 can be inserted after 1 and before 3 at position 1 in [1, 3, 5, 6]
4    //7 can be inserted after 6 at position 4
0    //0 can be inserted before 1 at position 0


  • We will check if element is already present in the array or not and if it is present then return its position.
  • If it is not present then we will find the position of the element greater than itself and return its position.
  • If there is no element less than the input element in the array then we will return the position after the last element.
  • Everything will be written in ES6.
let searchInsert = (nums, target) => {

    //keep track of the element
    let found = 0;
    let isFound = false;
    //check if element is already present
    for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){

        //if element is found then return its position
        if(target === nums[i]){
            found = i;
            isFound = true;
    //if an element is not found then find the position where it can be inserted
        for(let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){

        //if the target element is less than the element in the array then add it before 
        if(target < nums[i]){
            found = i;
            isFound = true;
    //if position is found then return it else return the position after the last element in the array
    return isFound ? found : nums.length;
console.log(searchInsert([1,3,5,6], 5));
console.log(searchInsert([1,3,5,6], 2));
console.log(searchInsert([1,3,5,6], 7));
console.log(searchInsert([1,3,5,6], 0));


Time complexity: O(n).
Space complexity: O(1).

Time and Space complexity

  • We are iterating through the given array twice one after another, so Time complexity is O(n + n) = O(n).
  • We are using constant space, so Space complexity is O(1).

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