Program to check balanced parentheses

An algorithm to check if an expressions (parentheses) given in a string are balanced or not.




We will use Stack to solve the balanced parentheses problem.


  • We have to create a Stack of characters.
  • We are then going to traverse through the given string and check if the characters matches to any one of these โ€˜{โ€˜, โ€˜(โ€˜, โ€˜[โ€˜ then push it into the Stack.
  • If the characters matches to โ€˜}โ€™, โ€˜)โ€™, โ€˜]โ€™ then pop an item from the Stack and check if it matches to its corresponding parentheses.
  • If it matches then continue and check for others, otherwise it is not balanced.
  • In the end after traversing the string if there are still items in stack then also it is not balanced.
// stack
 function Stack(){
   var items = [];
   var top = 0;
   //other methods go here

   //Push an item in the Stack
   this.push = function(element){
     items[top++] = element
   //top++, first performs the operation then increment's the value     

   //Pop an item from the Stack
   this.pop = function(){
     return items[--top];
   //--top, first decrements the value then performs the operation
   //Peek top item from the Stack
   this.peek = function(){
     return items[top - 1];

   //Is Stack empty
   this.isEmpty = function(){
     return top === 0;

   //Clear the Stack
   this.clear = function(){
      top = 0;
   //Size of the Stack
   this.size = function(){
     return top;

 //Function to check balanced parantheses
 let checkBalancedParentheses = (str) => {
   //Create a stack
   let stack = new Stack();

   for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
      if(str[i] == '{' || str[i] == '(' || str[i] == '['){

      if(str[i] == '}' || str[i] == ')' || str[i] == ']'){
        //return false if stack is empty
           return false;
        //Pop an item from the stack and check if it matches the corresponding parentheses
        let temp = stack.pop();
        if(temp == '{' && str[i] != '}'){
          return false;
        }else if(temp == '[' && str[i] != ']'){
          return false; 
        }else if(temp == '(' && str[i] != ')'){
          return false;
   //If stack is empty after traversing the string then return true 
    return true;
     return false;

//How it works
   stack = new Stack();
   each character of string
   first character = '['
   if(character == '{' || character == '[' || character == '('){
     stack.push(character)     = ['[']
   second character = '{'
   if(character == '{' || character == '[' || character == '('){
     stack.push(character)     = ['{','[']
   third character = '}'
   if(character == '}' || character == ']' || character == ')'){
     //Condition is false
       return false;
     var temp = stack.pop(); temp = '{'
     //Condition is false
     if(temp == '{' && str[i] != '}'){
      return false
   do the same for all the characters in the string
   in the end, check if the stack is empty or not
   return true if empty else return false;

Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the no of characters in the string.
Space Complexity: O(n) where n is the no of characters in the string.

Time and Space complexity

  • We are traversing through each character of string, Time complexity O(n).
  • We are storing the opposite parentheses characters in the stack, in the worst case there can be all the opposite characters in the string, Space complexity O(n).

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